Jerrine McClelland ~ Featured Photographer

Welcome to guest blogger Jerrine McClelland whose specialty is underwater springs photography. Jerrine’s joy is being in Florida’s springs with her camera. Here is her story in her own words:

Swimming in a glass of ice water was the way I first described swimming in the springs. It’s like gliding and floating in space with no gravity.  I experience a spiritual or magical moment when totally immersed in spring water.  The beautiful flora and fauna near a spring’s opening are often the subjects of my photographs. 

So upon retiring from teaching in 2015 and receiving an underwater camera, I headed out to my favorite spring, Gilchrist Blue.

I was delighted to photograph a manatee and a turtle, a thrilling experience since manatees rarely come to this spring.

My friends suggested sharing my photos on Facebook groups: Spring Hunters,  Aquiferious, The Spring Life, and many others. My first cover shot, a turtle photo, was on Florida Nature/Outdoor Photography.  My latest cover photo “Bowfish in Tannin” is on Florida Spring Hunters.

I then found myself wanting to share what I saw underwater to these sites.  Next, I was invited to enter the Springs Festival at Silver Springs.  It was a wonderful experience leading to more festivals and my own website where my photos are for sale.

I was honored recently by Diana Kanoy who put my “Raindrop at Ichetucknee” photo in her book She Swims with Alligators. 

I took this photo from below Diana swimming, looking skyward at Ichetucknee Springs State Park.

In this photo, the spring run is mixing with the tannic water of the river.

I am so grateful to be able to share what I see at our beautiful Florida springs, and I love when someone finds joy and happiness when seeing my photos.

~ Jerrine McClelland